Slipping On Ice: Injury Statistics


What Are the Most Common Injuries from Falling on Ice?

The most common injuries from falling on ice include fractures, sprains, strains, shoulder separations, and concussions, with slip and fall incidents leading to over 1 million injuries annually in the U.S., particularly during the winter months when the risk significantly increases.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify Common Injuries: Learn about the most frequent injuries from falling on ice, including fractures, sprains, strains, shoulder separations, and concussions, which contribute to over 1 million incidents annually in the U.S.
  • Recognize Symptoms: Understand the signs and symptoms of these injuries to assess their severity and determine when immediate medical attention is necessary.
  • Immediate First Aid Steps: Discover essential first aid measures to take after a fall, such as icing the injury, elevating the affected limb, and knowing when to seek professional care.
  • Prevention Insights: Gain insights into preventing falls on ice by understanding risk factors and exploring solutions like heated snow mats to keep walkways safe and ice-free.

Cold and icy winter months are an especially important time to consider workplace safety precautions. The increased risk of injury due to cold temperatures, ice, or snow is indisputable. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), winter weather kills more than twice as many Americans as summer heat. Keeping yourself aware of the increased risk cold weather brings will help as you plan to prevent winter-related injuries and keep yourself and your workers safe—especially when it comes to falling on ice injuries, which are among the most common.

Two people wearing winter boots and jeans test the ice on a frozen surface. Snow is visible on the ground.

Vehicular Ice Accident Statistics

If you or others regularly drive during winter months, consider the increased risk of driving in snowy or icy conditions demonstrated by the following statistics:

  • Each year, around 900 people are killed and almost 76,000 people are injured in car wrecks during snowfall or sleet.
  • 24% of weather-related vehicle crashes happen on snowy, slushy or icy roads annually. 15% happen during snowfall or sleet.
  • Over 116,000 people in the US are injured and more than 1,300 are killed on snowy, slushy or icy roads every winter.

Other Ice Injury Statistics

Most industries cannot afford to take time off during the winter. And for those industries that work on outdoor projects, the risk of ice related workplace injuries greatly increases. Let’s take a look at some American ice injury statistics: 

infographic presenting the injury statistics for annual slips and falls due to ice and snow in the US


  • One million Americans are injured due to slip and fall injuries annually. A large portion of these are falling-on-ice injuries, which spike dramatically during the winter.
  • Slips and falls are the leading cause of lost days from work.

  • In 2014, there were 42,480 workplace injuries or illnesses from ice, sleet, or snow that required at least one day off of work as a result.

  • 82% (or 34,860) of the injuries above, were due to slips or falls on level ground.

  • Between 1990 and 2006, approximately 195,000 people in the U.S. were treated in a hospital Emergency Room because of injuries acquired during snow shoveling.

  • Between 2006-2010 about 6,600 Americans died from hypothermia and cold exposure.

Powerblanket Winter Safety Solutions

If you or your employees are at risk for acquiring winter-related workplace injuries, it’s important to take certain safety precautions. Luckily Powerblanket has the perfect solution for reducing ice related injuries.

Ground-Thawing Heated Mats

While we no longer sell the Summerstep snow-melting mats, our ground-thawing heated blankets offer a powerful alternative for keeping outdoor areas safe. These durable, all-weather heated mats can be used to melt snow and ice on steps, doorways, walkways, and other high-traffic zones.

Powerblanket Summerstep heated mat infographic

Designed to withstand harsh winter conditions, Powerblanket’s heated blankets melt up to 2 inches of snow per hour while in use. They’re a convenient, effective solution for reducing slipping hazards, cutting down on snow shoveling time, and avoiding the use of harsh de-icing chemicals. Add our ground-thawing and snow-melting blankets to your winter safety toolkit and stay protected from falling on ice injuries all season long.

Contact Powerblanket today to find the perfect ice injury prevention for your needs at 866.945.4203 or [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common injury from slipping on ice?

The most common injuries from slipping on ice include muscle sprains, ligament strains, fractures (especially of the wrists and hips), back injuries, and concussions.

When should I see a doctor after falling on ice?

You should see a doctor if you experience severe pain, difficulty moving the injured area, or suspect a fracture after falling on ice.

How do you know if you are ok after a fall?

If you have severe pain, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, or visible fractures after a fall, seek medical attention immediately as these could indicate a serious injury.

What should I do if I fall on ice?

If you fall on ice, apply ice to the injury in 20-minute intervals, use compression bandaging to reduce swelling, and elevate the injured area above your heart while resting.

Keep your steps, doorways and walkways safe this winter with our ground-thawing and snow-melting blankets.


Shelby Thompson

Shelby Thompson is the head of standard product sales for Powerblanket. He has a distinguished military career, having served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In his time in the Marines, Shelby acquired an impressive skillset that he now uses in his current role. When he's not working, Shelby loves spending time outdoors with his wife, son, and daughter. He is also a semi-keen hunter, fair weather fisherman, and shooter. Unfortunately, Shelby also has something of an unlucky streak when it comes to Fantasy Football at the company.

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