How Long Does Concrete Take To Set?

If you really want to know the truth, concrete never stops curing; it continually hardens forever. However, for practical purposes, it reaches a point where further hardening will be so slow it becomes unnoticeable. In this article, we cover the basics of what you need to know if you’re asking the question, “how long does concrete take to set?”

Concrete Never Stops Curinghow long does it take concrete to set

The continual hardening occurs because cement particles react with the water in the mix (hydration), and as long as cement is in contact with moisture, even minuscule bubbles, it will continue to form bonds. This is minimal after “full strength” is achieved, but it is continual.

Initial Setting Times for Concrete

In standard industrial cases, full-strength concrete is recognized at 28 days. At seven days, you should have concrete that is cured to 70% full strength or greater. But to answer the question of, “How long does concrete take to set?” concrete setting time is generally 24 to 48 hours. At this point, the neighborhood dog will not leave his footprints in it, but you should keep it clear of heavy equipment during this time period. Most mixes are cured at 28 days.

With so many factors affecting concrete’s setting time, having the right tools is critical. Powerblanket’s Concrete Blankets allow you to control and accelerate concrete curing in any weather conditions.

Factors Affecting Concrete Setting Time

  • Moisture's Effect on Concrete SettingMoisture plays a critical role in curing time for concrete. If there is not sufficient water in the mix, the concrete will cure too fast, resulting in weaker overall strength. Too much moisture, often used in the finishing step will weaken the top layer and cause flaking.
  • Hot ambient temperatures and wind accelerate the evaporation of moisture–speeding concrete setting time.
  • The mix design has a lot to do with concrete setting time. Some jobs will require accelerants because the area needs to be usable as soon as possible. The accelerant will do its job and speed up the concrete setting time. Accelerant mixes will show a weaker overall strength in the end but will still meet strength requirements.

Temperature also has an impact on concrete setting time. For more information, check out this article about how concrete curing temperature makes a difference.

Concrete Blankets

If you are wondering about how long concrete takes to set, a solution for your concrete setting needs is a concrete heating or cooling blanket. But not all blankets are created equal. Consider the following two types of solutions to the effects of hot and cold:

The FluxWrap from North Slope Chillers is portable cooling equipment that will keep newly poured concrete safe from heat, regulating concrete setting time in both regular and hot conditions.

The FluxWrap is combined with either a cooler or chiller to achieve optimum results. The Circulation Blanket draws heat to the blanket in order to cool the concrete.

  • Use Powerblanket’s patented heat-spreading technology in reverse–the cooling blanket draws heat away and lowers the temperature of the concrete.
  • Take it with you on every job.  It is easily portable.
  • Blanket cover and insulation are the same as the robust system used in Powerblanket heating products
  • Control the curing speed of newly poured concrete even in hot conditions

If conditions are cold, concrete curing blankets provide a manageable way to cure concrete effectively and confidently. Powerblanket curing blankets increase production by rapidly curing with consistent, even heat.

  •  Cure concrete 2.8 times faster than conventional, insulated blankets
  •  Maintain moisture throughout hydrating process
  •  Easily installed and removed
  •  Produce cold weather concreting strength of up to 3,925 psi in 72 hours
  •  Prevent a freeze cycle
  •  Thaw ground and frost from job site before you pour
  •  Reduce downtime & increase profitability
  •  Maintain ACI compliance for cold weather concreting


Realize that just because you have a concrete curing blanket doesn’t mean you have a solution. The type of blanket and how that blanket is used will have a massive impact on your concrete. Read more about curing blankets here.

Cure your concrete faster and better in cold weather conditions with Powerblanket.

With patented heat-spreading technology, take control of concrete curing with Powerblanket Concrete Blankets.

Take control of concrete curing with Powerblanket Concrete Blankets.


Shelby Thompson

Shelby Thompson is the head of standard product sales for Powerblanket. He has a distinguished military career, having served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In his time in the Marines, Shelby acquired an impressive skillset that he now uses in his current role. When he's not working, Shelby loves spending time outdoors with his wife, son, and daughter. He is also a semi-keen hunter, fair weather fisherman, and shooter. Unfortunately, Shelby also has something of an unlucky streak when it comes to Fantasy Football at the company.

Curing Cold Concrete: Electric vs. Insulated Blankets

Electric concrete blankets versus insulated blankets. Which one is best and why is it Powerblanket?

Not All Concrete Insulated Blankets Are Created Equal

If you happen to read almost any do-it-yourself guide, you will likely see a sentence that says, “If temperatures are below 40°F, use insulated blankets or straw to keep your freshly-poured concrete from freezing.” Well, that sounds nice and easy, but simply keeping concrete from freezing isn’t enough.

Why Heat Concrete?

The optimum range for proper concrete curing is between 65° – 85° F. When concrete dips below that range, ice crystals can form, cure strength will be compromised, and several temperature based defects can occur. Concrete pouring is a critical stage in any construction project and problems derail progress when it needs to be repaired or re-poured. Solely insulating concrete during curing seems appealing and money-saving, but can lead to costly time delays and expensive re-works.

What is Thermal Insulation?

Simply put, thermal insulation reduces the transfer of heat between objects. There are a myriad of both natural and synthetic materials used to insulate objects in different industries. When thermal insulation is placed on something that is already warm, it will prevent heat from escaping.

The chemical reaction of concrete formation is exothermic and does create some heat. This heat can be trapped (to some degree) with the use of insulating blankets or straw. But if it’s cold enough outside, insulating blankets won’t keep the temperature at an ideal level for maximum curing.

Insulation + Heating

When pouring concrete in cold weather, providing thermal insulation is only half the battle. Most insulated blankets will not provide enough surface contact to effectively insulate your concrete on really cold days. Combining the protective power of insulation plus even heat distribution gives you an advantage over mother nature.

Electric concrete heating blankets provide the protective layer of insulation and an extra boost of heating power to keep your concrete between 65° and 85° F. Concrete blankets have 10x more surface contact than other blankets. They efficiently transfer heat down into your concrete while heavy-duty weather-proof insulation protects it from the elements and heat-loss.

Thaw Before Your Pour

No insulating blanket on its own will thaw frozen ground, and pouring concrete on frozen ground can have serious repercussions.

electric ground thawing blankets

Electric ground thawing blankets are the best way to ensure your concrete pour gets off on the right foot. Using an electric ground thawing blanket prepares the ground before you pour so ambient temperatures above and below your concrete are at ideal levels.

Concrete Curing BlanketsMany factors have an effect on concrete cure time, such as the type of mix used, the size and shape of the slab, and the ambient weather. Of all these factors, weather and temperature is the most unpredictable. The colder the temperature, the longer concrete will take to set and reach its proper strength. During cold weather, a conventional insulated blanket will cause the concrete to take longer to cure and will result in a weaker concrete.

For example, concrete kept at 70°F will set in approximately 6 hours, whereas concrete kept at 40°F will take 14 hours to set. Concrete maintained at 70° F will reach a compression strength of 2,700 psi in 3 days; concrete maintained at 40° F will only reach a strength of 1,200 psi in 3 days.

This disparity in strengths makes a huge difference in whether your construction project can proceed. If concrete takes too long to set, cure, and strengthen, your project can be significantly delayed. Some concrete manufacturers find it too problematic to operate during the winter, creating a costly off season.

Concrete Solutions From Powerblanket

With Powerblanket, there is no off season. The difference between conventional insulating concrete blankets and electric concrete curing blankets is clear, and our electric blankets are a cut above the rest. By combining heavy weatherproof insulation with electric heating components, Powerblanket can cure concrete 2.8 x faster than conventional insulated blankets.

Our ground thawing blankets melt ice and snow and prepare the ground before your concrete is even poured. Our concrete curing blankets then maintain the temperatures you need to more quickly cure your slab to a strong finish. Powerblanket can eliminate costly weather delays, ensure your project proceeds on schedule and that your concrete will be long-lasting and durable. Contact us to find the right concrete solution for your needs 855.440.0208 or [email protected].

Cure your concrete faster and better in cold weather conditions with Powerblanket.


Shelby Thompson

Shelby Thompson is the head of standard product sales for Powerblanket. He has a distinguished military career, having served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In his time in the Marines, Shelby acquired an impressive skillset that he now uses in his current role. When he's not working, Shelby loves spending time outdoors with his wife, son, and daughter. He is also a semi-keen hunter, fair weather fisherman, and shooter. Unfortunately, Shelby also has something of an unlucky streak when it comes to Fantasy Football at the company.
